Our PUPI Engineering Department is staffed with experts to support customer needs with day-to-day applications support, collaborative problem solving, and ongoing product innovation to drive the fiberglass crossarm market forward.
We specialize in working with customers to create solutions that fit their specific needs. This partnership allows our engineers to capitalize on research and development efforts; collaborating together with customers to best marry our composites expertise with the needs of their systems. Our on-site labs and testing facilities create a dynamic atmosphere to design and execute test plans and get answers for our customers quickly and cost effectively. This allows us to jointly prove out concepts in the lab that ensure confidence in the field.
PUPI engineering expertise and customer support is one of the main reasons we are the industry leader in fiberglass crossarms.
Our dedicated composite engineering team offers day-to-day applications support, collaborative problem solving, and ongoing innovation to create customer solutions for utility customers.
In collaboration with our applications engineers, customers can develop test plans to provide support and confidence in their initiatives. New product and new market development initiatives further expand the application range that can benefit from PUPI technology.
Composite material formulations are developed in our on-site chemistry lab. Resins and other components used to create our crossarms are constantly tested as a part of our quality assurance process.
DSC, TGA, Humidity chamber, Q-SUN chamber (Zenon ASTM G -155), Q-UV chamber (fluorescent ASTM G-154), and AMscope Microscope are among the list of in-house tools our engineers have at their fingertips to support product research and development.
Mechanical testing of PUPI crossarms has been performed using two, on-site structures labs. Thousands of crossarm tests on standard PUPI designs, RUS drill patterns, and as a part of routine quality checks provides data to fuel our engineering models used to extrapolate loading data to qualify custom crossarm designs. This ongoing testing provides the consistent and reliable engineered performance of our products.
These on-site labs and expertise also allows PUPI to support customer initiatives and quickly prove out concepts by testing the entire crossarm system under development.